Exceptions in RiotBlossom

RiotBlossom does have custom exceptions it uses, so keep these in mind when using the client! ๐Ÿ’š

  • CorruptedMatchException
  • ExhaustedRetryerException
  • MissingApiKeyException
  • TooManyRequestsException
  • WarningLimiterException

The Retryer when used will also throw standard exceptions that it cannot handle:

  • HttpRequestException (400-499 except 429)
  • ArgumentNullException
  • InvalidOperationException
  • Exception


When crawling a large number of matches, it can happen on occasion to get a bugged match. RiotBlossom checks this for you upon fetching a match or match timeline.

For more information, please see Riot Developer Relations #642.


When all retries are used for a Retryer, this exception will be thrown.


When attempting to make a call to the Riot APIs without having a Riot API key set. This is designed so the CommunityDragon or DataDragon APIs can be used without requiring an API key.


When an HTTP 429 response was received in the HTTP request-response cycle for AlgorithmicLimiter or Retryer and CanThrowOn429 is true.


When a rate limit was reached for AlgorithmicLimiter and CanThrowOnLimit is true. Not to be confused with the above exception where an actual HTTP 429 response occurs.