Tutorial: Setting up application configuration in RiotBlossom

This coolsies tutorial will show you the basics of creating a client with RiotBlossom using basic and advanced configurations!


Oh noes

For both minimal and advanced configurations, you can pass a string.Empty or "" for the constructor/builder if you're only going to use CommunityDragon or DataDragon APIs.

Do note that without a key, a MissingApiKeyException will be thrown when sending a request under the Riot API interface!

Create a client using minimal configuration

To create a client with the least configuration possible:

using BlossomiShymae.RiotBlossom.Core;

string key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RIOT_API_KEY")
    ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("RIOT_API_KEY must be set!");
var client = RiotBlossomCore.CreateClient(key);

Wowie, that was sooo easy!



It is a better practice to get our Riot API key from an environment variable instead of hard coding it as a string literal. The API key is a secret that can easily be leaked especially when using Git. :3

By default, RiotBlossom will create a client instance with spread rate limiting, in-memory caching, and retrying enabled. An HttpClient will also be initialized internally for making web requests.

Create a client with advanced configuration

Creating a client with advanced configuration requires accessing the client builder interface. This interface allows you to inject a HttpClient instance and configure the middleware plugin systems directly! :3

The following code showcases an example of advanced configuration:

using BlossomiShymae.RiotBlossom;
using BlossomiShymae.RiotBlossom.Core;
using BlossomiShymae.RiotBlossom.Middleware;

string key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RIOT_API_KEY")
    ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("RIOT_API_KEY must be set!");
HttpClient httpClient = new() 
  Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

var client = RiotBlossomCore.CreateClientBuilder()
    .AddRiotMiddlewareStack(b =>
          CanThrowOn429 = true,
          CanThrowOnLimit = true,
          ShaperType = LimiterShaper.Spread
        b.AddRetryer(new() {
          CanThrowOn429 = true,
          RetryCount = 3,
          RetryDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1d)
        return b;
    .AddDataMiddlewareStack(b =>
          Expiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(24),
          Size = 10000
          CanThrowOn429 = true,
          RetryCount = 5,
          RetryDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
        return b;